Gold tone’s Ultimate Banjo Mute


Love to play banjo, but can’t quiet it down? One great solution is here! 

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Keep it quiet in there!

Does that sound familiar? The Ultimate banjo mute provided by the folks at Gold Tone goes a long way to keep the peace. Banjos are loud instruments. For a purely acoustic stringed instrument, it’s about as loud as you can get. So practicing (which can be to the point of obsessively) is usually limited by the clock, the neighbors, the family… Well That’s what we’re here to solve. Keep it down! with the Ultimate banjo mute. The other banjo mute under the Gold Tone name is the Iucci, and we carry that one too. Both of these are demonstrated in the video above. When it’s about banjos, Gold Tone has got you covered, and here at Beyond Guitars we like to keep it simple. The Iucci is a little quieter than the ultimate, they work in the same way, but more mass helps dampen the bridge. Keep in mind that neither of these banjo mutes will really work with a curved, moon, or compensated bridge, they only work with a straight standard type banjo bridge. By the way, if you’re really trying to get it nearly silent, we have some more ideas you can try, Firstly you would always begin with a good banjo mute like this one, and you can drop us an Email for another idea to add to that, if you’re desperate enough!

Buy with confidence at Beyond Guitars!

The Ultimate banjo bridge mute is yet another item that’s covered by our 14-day customer satisfaction guarantee!


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